
AM is a creative branding agency that helps brands and businesses – regardless of size, industry or experience – to realise their full potential and be the best they can be! We produce strong, creative solutions and provide advice based on insights and an in-depth understanding of corporate, market and customer needs, as well as national and international trends. The result is solutions that work in the real world for real people.
We’re easy-going, curious and love the freedom of being an small, independent agency with big ambitions on our customers’ behalf. Some would even call us generous.


We design for people. Not brands


Our approach

Our days begin with a smile and are filled with the energy we get from working with people, businesses and creativity. We believe in design thinking as a way to solve problems, discover new opportunities and promote change. And it is the tool we use to strengthen our customers’ brands and businesses.

At AM we’re curious about human nature. We design for people, not for brands. We chase insights, care about differences, and focus more on thoughts and values than on segments and conventional thinking. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The search for a strong solution that hits both heart and mind is what drives us. We investigate and challenge carefully and generously until we have a clever and creative solution that can unlock our customers’ potential.

Ultimately, our goal is to make good branding = good business.

We’re AM

AM was founded in 2013 by a group of people with solid experience in design, strategic consulting, business development, project management, communication and collaboration. We’re all listed here with our contact info, because we believe that good solutions are achieved through strong relationships. That’s why we strive to maintain a close dialogue with you, with each other and with the world around us.

Our crew

Our Services

Brand Strategy & Consultancy

  • Brand Audit
  • Research
  • Brand Architecture
  • Positioning
  • Naming
  • Brand Values
  • Core Narrative

Brand Identity

  • Visual Identity
  • Logo design
  • Typography
  • Brand guide
  • Tone of voice

Brand Experience

  • Packaging
  • Printed Materials
  • Day to day
  • Annual Reports
  • Websites
  • PowerPoint
  • Social Media Templates
  • Film
  • Spatial
  • Books

Our clients

North-East Family office TV2 Arne Jacobsen Plantorama Kræftens Bekæmpelse Boligforeningen AAB Københavns Kommune Lærernes A-kasse Røde Kors Alzheimerforeningen Stofskifteforeningen ATOS Medical Styrelsen for It og Læring Statens IT Boligforeningen 3B Broste Copenhagen Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Kristina Dam Studio Metroselskabet Kongernes samling TRAPHOLT Forbrugerrådet Tænk Ree Office Torque Reeason Viet-Jacobsen Fonden Skatteministeriet EGMONT Realdania Schultz Jørgensen & K LEO PHARMA LEO Fondet Hildebrandt Hammer Radius Kommunikation Novo Nordisk COOP Landbrug & Fødevarer Destination Bornholm Erhvervsstyrelsen Svanehøj Danmarks Nationalbank Hovedstadens Letbane Raz Skincare Børns Vilkår Kulturstyrelsen Street Society Osvald Jensen Green Therma Liljeborg Airsonett Dalberg Group Dansk Flygtningehjælp Solix Group KRING Mercedes 1423 Green Team Majland Beredskabsstyrelsen Arkitema Sowa Sound Erik Magnussen LEASY Hansen & Ersbøll Agenda PFA Nordatlantens Brygge Beauty Avenue De Danske Kongers Kronologiske Samling APCER Life Sciences APC Pharmaceuticals Design Denmark FLSmidth Rambøll Gads Forlag Ascot hotel Apotek Festina Finance Center for sundhed Alba Tankers Agro Food Nextstep Bangs BOLOU Nuuday SEGES 3 Business GoMore Cyklistforbundet Danske Færger Lederskaberne Green Team SF C&C Travel Tripdoodler Finans Danmark Subscrybe Moviestar Planet Famly UNLEASH Nicecream Doland LÜTZAU Trendsales De berejstes klub Super Avisen Vallø Stift Nosco DUF Intellishore People´s Press Masai Clothing ColorCable Skolelederforeningen Powermedic Valified Mentorbarn Sund digital Madkulturen Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed J/P Politikens Forlag Steno Diabetes Center Post Danmark Missionpharma We Share Apps Two—Many Il Buco Selection F Danish Hub for Cybersecurity Morningscore Bistro 28 Right Christianshavns Gymnasium Roskilde Universitet Widex Kreakassen Enova Chapter 5 Acto Plus1 Berg Arkitekter

Latest Design Kan & Cultivate Today – Klimakrisen og den indre skaberkraft

Design Kan

Design Kan – Tæt på med Tobias Røder. Gæst: Jens Kajus