

Brand Strategy & Consultancy

A brand strategy builds on a company’s vision, products and services, values and customer relevancy. Through workshops, interviews, discussions and research, we help clients build a solid strategic foundation – regardless of whether they’re a niche product or a large corporation. In our experience, a brand strategy founded on data and insights and developed collaboratively with the client provides the best basis for creating value for your business, has a longer lifespan, and provides the best conditions for a strong brand identity.

Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the face of your brand strategy. It’s the words and the visual universe your brand presents to the world. Brand name, logo, colours, typography, animations, illustrations, messaging, tone of voice – these are the elements that create a great experience.

Brand Experience

When your customers, partners, relations, and the world interact with your brand, they experience it, increasing their brand awareness and building trust. It’s your website, social media presence, packaging, annual reports, presentations – and the interior of your workspace and offices. Collaboratively, we create brand experiences that build on the core of your brand and strengthen stakeholders’ confidence and eagerness to interact with it.

How we work

Discover opportunities

The key to a successful journey is understanding the surroundings and expected behaviour – before embarking! For a business, it is crucial that you know your market, competition, audiences, drivers and motivation. Together, we identify key audience behaviours and insights to keep you relevant and ensure the future success of your business.

We explore and map opportunities based on people’s needs, demands, frustrations, goals, dreams and ambitions, generating core insights about your business, market, customer needs and trends.

Set your direction

Based on core insights, we align your offerings with motivations and market demand, developing hypotheses through realistic and compelling positioning routes tailored to your business, including structuring your portfolio. Positioning is the ultimate source for identifying and creating vital brand strategy elements, such as your brand promise, value propositions, values or perhaps a purpose that helps you build a clear position in the market and in the hearts and minds of stakeholders. If you are considering a new name, this is where we define the criteria it should meet.

Develop the concept

Visualising and communicating your strategy is where the magic happens. As a powerful and impactful means of conveying strategic ambition through visual and verbal identity, it codifies your presence. If strategy is the story then design and tonality are the storytelling. We work with prototypes to emphasise the differences between your many choices, all with a shared ambition – to help you be the best you can be. 

Each prototype translates your position into something you can see, feel and understand, using creative visuals and wording. The purpose of this step is to develop and choose a final concept for a visual identity, creative messaging and pay-off. And if you are considering a new name, this is where we develop it. 

Create the experience

Rooted in conceptual clarity, we can equip your brand with the necessary “bells and whistles” to ensure a full-bodied experience and perception of your quest.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Where your strategic concept comes into play across your activities – internally and externally. 

It is where you benefit from codifying your brand presence through tangible elements, and ultimately it is what helps you stand out in the marketplace. After all, perception is reality, and having the right tools at the right time ensures a coherent and consistent brand presence, whatever the channel or occasion.

Our clients

North-East Family office TV2 Arne Jacobsen Plantorama Kræftens Bekæmpelse AAB Københavns Kommune Lærenes A-kasse Røde Kors ATOS Medical Boligforeningen 3B Broste Copenhagen Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Kristina Dam Studio Metroselvskabet Kongernes samling TRAPHOLT Forbrugerrådet Tænk Viet-Jacobsen fonden Skatteministeriet EGMONT LEO PHARMA LEO Fondet Radius Kommunikation Novo Nordisk COOP Landbrug & Fødevarer Destination Bornholm Erhvervsstyrelsen Svanehøj Danmarks Nationalbank Letbanen Raz Skincare Børns Vilkår Kulturstyrelsen Liljeborg Airsonett Dalberg Group Dansk Flygtningehjælp Solix Group KRING Mercedes 1423 Beredskabsstyrelsen Arkitema Sowa Sound Erik Magnussen LEASY Hansen & Ersbøll agenda PFA Nordatlantens Brygge Beauty Avenue De Danske Kongers Kronologiske Samling APCER Life Sciences APC Pharmaceuticals Design Denmark FLSmidth Rambøll Gads Forlag Ascot hotel Apotek Festina Finance Center for sundhed Alba Tankers Agro Food Bangs BOLOU Nuuday SEGES 3 Business GoMore Cyklistforbundet Danske Færger Lederskaberne Green Team SF C&C Travel Tripdoodler Finans Danmark Subscrybe Moviestar Planet Famly UNLEASH Nicecream Doland LÜTZAU Trendsales De berejstes klub Super Avisen Vallø Stift Nosco DUF Intellishore People´s Press Masai Clothing ColorCable Skolelederforeningen Powermedic Valified Mentorbarn Sund digital Madkulturen Dansk Selvskab for Patientsikkerhed J/P Politikens Forlag Steno Diabetes Center Post Danmark Missionpharma We Share Apps Two—Many Il Buco Selection F Danish Hub for Cybersecurity Morningscore Bistro 28 Right Christianshavns Gymnasium Roskilde Universitet Widex Kreakassen Enova Chapter 5 Acto Plus1 Berg Arkitekter

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Design Kan – Tæt på med Tobias Røder. Gæst: Jens Kajus