He goes by many names


The short version

We were given the assignment to create a visual universe for their new collection of rum called Ron Cristóbal for our collaborators 1423 ApS. Christoffer Columbus goes by many names, and Ron Cristóbal was one of them. The rum collection consists of 5 different rum from the The Dominican Republic, which visually all should look alike. The rum collection has been received very well by the consumers, and now has its own website and instagram.


The idea

The Ron Cristóbal collection was going to be sold ind many different countries. Therefor the visual identity of the collection had to be both international and traditional – and not to “scandinavian”. Alongside this, it had to stand out and have a modern twist. Ron Cristóbal is very detailed and historical and is combined with fresh colours inspired by the sky and oceans fierce colour palette. This was designed to give the rum collection a unique look on both the conservative and high-end markets.


The result

We created a design for the rum labels and collars in three different sizes alongside a layout for gifttubes and various merchandise. The details and textures of the paper and the wavy edges off the labels supports the exclusive and maritime expression. This matches the story of Columbus and his famous ships. We are extremely happy to have been a part of this project, and is often seduced by these delicious rums. Salud!


Got a similar project? Reach out to Søren

Søren Jensen
Activation Lead – Associated Partner

+45 2241 7923

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Design Kan

Design Kan – Tæt på med Tobias Røder. Gæst: Jens Kajus