Passion for growth

A seamless digital experience

To many professional Christmas tree growers in Europe Majland is the preferred and best-known nursery for Christmas Tree Seeds. This is due to their passion for every single plant they grow, but also their passion for growing sustainably for the generations to come.

As a part of a larger project around developing the visual identity and core narrative, AM designed the new Majland website – all to showcase and bridge their passion for the daily work in the nursery with the same amount of care in their digital brand experience.


The UX design is straightforward, providing users with easy navigation and with a new emphasis on outlining the Majland Way in an engaging process that guides users through the 5 steps of the seeds that Majland grows.

The brand identity comes alive with the use of the organic emblem from the logo that animates and turns into a tree. The colors follow the identity design with references to the Danish landscape, from root green, soil brown and a dust light.

Simple graphics and photos with warm lighting are set and the tone of voice we developed has set the foundation of headings and descriptions that has a sense of case and red thread.


Got a similar project? Reach out to Frederikke


Latest Design Kan & Cultivate Today – Klimakrisen og den indre skaberkraft

Design Kan

Design Kan – Tæt på med Tobias Røder. Gæst: Jens Kajus