Together for a future without cancer

Long story short

The Danish Cancer Society has a credible brand and a strong strategic foundation. With a large community behind them and a public already largely invested in the brand, the collaboration depended deeply on respect – for the values and the work of the organisation. 

Memberships and volunteers are the pillars upholding the Danish Cancer Society, and internally as well as externally, the organisation manages to embrace the diversity that characterizes the brand.

They came to AM with an aim to increase the brands visibility and to be dressed to the future. The challenge was to design a visual identity – still considering the existing strategy – which not only provides the volunteers and sub brands a more creative space, but also preserves a clear parallel to the master brand.  

The Danish Cancer Society specifically asked for a new typography, and in collaboration with type-foundry Overtone we have created a distinctive font, which increases the brand recognition without stealing the show, is unique and modern, and where the readability has been taken into account. 

Research kræftens bekæmpelse
Kræftens Bekæmpelse_logo_hero

The idea

Coherence and distinctiveness are the keywords. 

The idea of designing visual elements that can supplement the master brand, in order to allow a more diverse visual language, proved to be the right solution for the brand. 

The different visual expressions can carry out the task of communicating to different audiences, and at the same time allowing both sub brands and volunteers a sort of ownership of the master brand and the important message. And most importantly, the Danish Cancer Society is the explicit sender of that message, regardless the activity being communicated. 

posters kræftens bekæmpelse
Fighter typographi Kræftens Bekæmpelse
Colors Kræftens bekæmpelse
New visual idenity kræftens bekæmpelse

The solution

The red bow is the central visual element of the brand and continued to be the turning point for the new identity. We adjusted the bow, so it came across more distinct and became easier to decode on smaller setups and digital units. The adjustment made it possible to apply the same design language in the typography, creating synergy between the logo and typography.

The red colour is visually dominating and in order to subsidize it, we put together a colour palette of secondary bright and positive colours. 

The design manual is meant to make the application of the visual identity more accessible – for the sub brands and volunteers, experts and beginners – in alignment with the strategy and expression of the master brand, making the Danish Cancer Society the clear sender of the message. 

Kræftens bekæmpelse new visual identity
Kræftens bekæmpelse new visual identity 2
infographics kræftens bekæmpelse

Got a similar project? Reach out to Nanna

Managing Director – Partner

+45 3123 6664

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